
Site Purpose

Scoots logo


~Scoots is a fictitious motor scooter rental company located on the island of Cozumel off the coast of Mexico in the western Caribbean Sea. This owner-operator company caters to locals, walk-in tourists, enthusiasts, and cruise-based touring groups and partnerships. The company promotes friendly and easy to rent services of motor scooters, jeeps, and side-by-sides ATVs.

Arial photo of ~Scoots location in C Arial photo of ~Scoots location near Puerta Maya

The company has two physical rental locations on Cozumel. One is near the Playa del Carmen-Cozumel Ferry dock in el Centro de Cozumel and the other is near the Terminal Puerta Maya further south along the coast which caters to the cruise lines and patrons.

The site will be responsive to small, medium, and larger, wide screen views. Design is consistent throughout the website providing ease of navigation and supports excellent user experiences.

Target Audience

The overall goal of the website project is to promote the rental services for those customers that like to do their homework before getting to the island and to provide information about the services, requirements, and rental process. The website should reflect the fun and carefree attitude of the island and the ability to escape the touristy western part of the island by exploring the vast coasts and inlets on the southern and eastern shores.

Color Scheme

Site colors are taken from the surrounding ocean and greenery of Cozumel itself.

Body Text #038387 Link #298fcf Link Hover #023f8a Playa #897362 Playa Light #eee6de


Headings are in Montez font.

Body text uses the Open Sans font.

Site Map

All pages will contain a header (with company logo), search box, navigation, and weather conditions. The common footer will contain contact information.

Home Page

The Home page is a contemporary, exciting landing page providing images of the island and rental facilities and must include the following:


The Rentals page describes the available rental options and prices with images.

Honda Dio Scooter


The Reservations page that contains rental agreement information and a form.


The Tours page provides a list of possible sites to visit and Cozumel island features.


The Contact page will contain essential rental and contact information.


Data will be stored as JSON files on the server and fetched as needed for display.

Wireframe Sketches


Home wireframe sketch


Rentals wireframe sketch


Reservations wireframe sketch


Tours wireframe sketch


Contact page wireframe sketch Jeep Wrangler 4-door